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How to Transition to a Fulfilling Career in Yoga Teaching

For many, yoga begins as a personal practice—a way to bring balance, peace, and a deeper sense of purpose into our lives. Over time, this practice often becomes more than just something we do on the mat. Yoga becomes a way of life, and for some, it plants the seeds of inspiration to share this journey with others. If you are reading this, you might be feeling that call. You may be asking yourself how to transition from a practitioner to a yoga teacher. Let me share some insights from my own journey that may help guide you along the way.

1. Listening to the Call to Teach

The transition to becoming a yoga teacher often begins with an inner calling. Enroll in a reputable yoga teacher training program with seasoned instructors who practice what they preach. This will ensure that you learn from teachers whose careers inspire you and who can impart not only theoretical knowledge but also real-world wisdom. Start small. Begin by teaching friends, family, or a local class. Trust that as you share, you will continue to learn and grow.

2. Embrace Your Authentic Voice

Let your voice and your story shine through in your classes. I always encourage new teachers to integrate their personal experiences into their teaching. It’s your unique journey with yoga that will resonate most deeply with your students. Whether you’ve overcome challenges through yoga or found profound peace in your practice, these experiences can guide and inspire others. Develop confidence by thoroughly knowing your teaching material. This knowledge will naturally help you to feel more relaxed and assertive in front of your class. Confidence comes from competence, so invest in continuing education and keeeping up your own practice .

3. Commit to Lifelong Learning

Becoming a yoga teacher is not a destination—it’s a lifelong journey. Even after completing your yoga teacher training, it’s important to continue learning and growing. Yoga is a vast ocean of wisdom, and there is always more to explore. Seek out advanced trainings, attend workshops, and, most importantly, continue to be a student of life. I have spent over 50 years practising, studying, and teaching yoga, and still, I find there is always more to learn. The more you deepen your own practice and understanding, the more you will have to offer your students.

4. Practical Steps to Begin Teaching

Gradually transition into a yoga teaching career by initially offering a few classes each week. This allows you to build a following while maintaining financial stability. Over time, you can increase your teaching hours as your confidence and client base grow. Take advantage of the growing yoga market by being open to teaching opportunities like substituting at different studios or offering private sessions. This exposure will also help you gain experience and visibility in the yoga community.

5. Align Your Career with Your Lifestyle

One of the most significant shifts in transitioning to a career in yoga teaching is the alignment of your career with your lifestyle. Teaching yoga is not just a job; it is a way of living. To be a teacher means to embody the principles of yoga on and off the mat. This doesn’t mean you have to live a life of austerity, but it does mean bringing mindfulness, compassion, and integrity into every aspect of your life. This transition doesnt happen overnight. Start by setting up a daily personal practice that works for your schedule. The more yoga becomes a part of your everyday life, the more effortless it will feel to teach from an authentic place.

A Fulfilling Journey

Transitioning to a yoga teaching career is a fulfilling path that unfolds naturally with dedication. It's not solely about teaching; it's about living a life of growth, service, and self-discovery. The more you invest in your practice and teaching, the richer the rewards.

With warmth and encouragement,


Vidya Heisel

With a teaching legacy spanning almost 50 years, Vidya possesses a profound understanding of yogic philosophy and meditation that resonates with practitioners worldwide.

In the year 2000, Vidya´s passion for training yoga teachers blossomed into reality with the creation of Frog Lotus Yoga International and having traversed the globe with her teachings, Vidya´s journey eventually led her to the creation of Suryalila, a sactuary of yogic exploration in the scenic landscapes of Andalusia, Spain.

Within these serene surroundings, practitioners immerse themselves in the teachings of a master, absorbing not only the postures but also anatomy, philosophy and the ethose that defines yoga. Here, vidya has guided countless yoga teachers, leading advanced trainings alongside hundreds of 200-hour yoga teacher trainings that have become a hallmark of her dedication where she continues to empower students on their yogic journey.

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